Thursday, April 20, 2006
Beautiful Indian New Years Card

Monday, April 17, 2006
Yemeni Henna - finished color for back of hand tattoo

This henna paste was made of Yemeni henna... the Hadrmi powder just recently reviewed, Geranium Bourbon essential oil, Lavender essential oil, some Tea Tree.. lemon juice & perhaps several drops of clove oil. That's it.
The henna powder was blended to be on the wet side as people usually want simple designs when the just drop in for some body art... as well, they often want tattoo on the arms, legs or feet.. so a wet blend give a dark color in all those spots!
I will be at BLU again this Saturday.......... maybe I'll see you there. Peace! Ann George
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Henna Tattoo in Jacksonville Florida

I feel very lucky to be there this summer. Henna Tattoo is available by appointment (recommended!) or you can just walk in. The salon is located at 820 Post Street, Jacksonville, Florida. The phone there is 353-4411. Of course you can call the Studio to schedule (904) 993-7466.
This is a photo of an Arabic Style Tattoo. Nice & bold... using the Hadrmi Henna Paste reviewed just the other day. I will try to get a photo of the finished color on line soon. If this isn't your style, I have lots of designs, pattern books.. and webpages full of art. Come visit again for more photos of Henna Tat. Wishing you Joy! Ann George
Friday, April 14, 2006
Hadrmi Wedding Henna Review - Yemeni Henna Powder
I am happy to be able to post a review of Hadrmi Wedding Henna.
I received the sample from Ali Ebrahem who may be contacted at henna@jawaherbar.com.
The henna arrived in an air tight packet with instructions in English and what I think is Arabic. The henna had a great, fresh smell when opened, and the powder was finely ground. All the yemeni henna I have seen is a golden color... so if you are used to seeing green henna, please know that this golden brown henna is very fresh.
The paste mixed up to be a nice gummy paste...
which is good for fine lines and bridal henna in particular.
It was easy to adjust and to work with. It absorbed lemon juice & essential oils very well. It also released the dye quickly, in about 4 hours in the sun. To the left is a photo of the henna color after the paste
has been removed for only three hours. The black henna you see on the wrist is actually a picture of henna paste still on the skin. As you scroll down, you will see a photo of the finished color on both the palm of the hand and the wrist.
Notice how dark the henna is at the thumb, and on the fleshy part of the palm of the hand near the thumb. This excellent dark color is natural. Nothing other than lemon juice and essential oils were added to get this color.
This company sells wholesale
by the container - which I am not able to import at this time.
Should you care to contact them, the phone number on their packet
is: +967-5-357910. I wish you all great success!! Ann George