We talked about styles & energy.. paisley and peacocks, and the wonderful ideas of someday doing full body henna. I hope to create a unique design/ pattern/ moment of art in the near future.
However, as we were in a shop window, we opted for a henna pattern for her upper back. The first photos is of her henna design seen from the back. I was very happy to be able to use negative space in this design, as well as the "drops" effect to enhance the natural beauty of her neck & shoulders.

but this pattern flowed so well, and "dripped" into a graceful modern tribal sort of style that she likes & wears so well, that we opted to let the henna end as you see it here.
If you are interested in this type of henna tattoo, it is critical that you wear an outfit that will accommodate the paste. For those new to henna, please visit the FAQ page of my site for answers to most of the frequently asked questions.
It can take anywhere from ten minutes to apply a simple henna tattoo, and up to 45 minutes for a more complex henna pattern. If you are in a hurry, please add about five or six minutes of drying time to your schedule, as it is best to sit and allow the paste to dry a bit on the skin before you return to shopping at The Midnight Sun.
Henna paste is applied to the skin to stain the skin... and the longer the henna stays on the skin, the longer the natural vegetable dye can interact with the skin, creating a darker stain when the final color is revealed. Therefore, wearing clothing that will allow the paste to rest undisturbed on the skin is necessary for an successful finished pattern.
Now that it is indeed henna season, it is best to call ahead and make an appointment for a complex henna design!